近期代表性论文 |
[1] Y. Xu, Y. Hu*, X. Zhang, X. Xu, L. Ye, X. Xiao, and Z. Zheng, Simulations of NBI Fast Ion Loss in the Presence of Toroidal Field Ripple on EAST, Plasma Science and Technology 23, 095102 (2021). |
[2] X. Xu, Y. Xu*, X. Zhang*, and Y. Hu, Simulations of the Radial Electric Field Induced by Neutral Beam Injection in a Tokamak, Nuclear Fusion 61, 086002 (2021). |
[3] Y. Xu*, L. Li, Y. Hu*, Y. Liu, W. Guo, L. Ye, and X. Xiao, Numerical Simulations of NBI Fast Ion Loss with RMPs on the EAST Tokamak, Nuclear Fusion 60, 086013 (2020). |
[4] D. Zhang, Y. Xu*, Z. Dai, and S. Wang*, Theory of Gyrokinetic Velocity Moment and Its Application for Zonal Flows in a Tokamak Plasma, Nuclear Fusion 60, 046015 (2020). |
[5] X. Xu, Y. Xu*, X. Zhang*, Y. Hu, L. Ye, and X. Xiao, Simulations of First-Orbit Losses of Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) Fast Ions on EAST, Plasma Science and Technology 22, 085101 (2020). |
[6] Y. Xu*, W. Guo, Y. Hu, L. Ye, X. Xiao, and S. Wang, Monte Carlo Orbit-Following Simulations Including the Finite Larmor Radius Effect Based on a Phase-Space Coordinate Transform Method, Computer Physics Communications 244, 40 (2019). |
[7] Y. Xu*, W. Guo, L. Ye, X. Xiao, S. Wang, and S. Zhu, Loss and Redistribution of Energetic Passing Ions with Resonant Magnetic Perturbations, Physics of Plasmas 25, 012502 (2018). |
[8] Y. Xu, L. Ye, Z. Dai, X. Xiao, and S. Wang*, Nonlinear Gyrokinetic Simulation of Ion Temperature Gradient Turbulence Based on a Numerical Lie-Transform Perturbation Method, Physics of Plasmas 24, 082515 (2017). |
[9] Y. Xu*, S. Wang, and D. Zhang, Toroidal Rotation Induced by Asymmetric Cyclotron Resonance Absorption in Minority ICRF-Heated Tokamak Plasmas, Nuclear Fusion 56, 046013 (2016). |
科研项目 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目,EAST上三维扰动场引起中性束快离子损失和热负荷的模拟研究,55万元,2022-01至2025-12,负责人 |
中科院重大科技基础设施开放研究项目课题,高功率注入下快粒子引起杂质产生的机理研究,253万元,2017-08至2021-07,负责人 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目,托卡马克中共振磁扰动对高能离子行为影响的模拟研究,56万元,2018-01至2021-12,负责人 |
国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,高频波与粒子相互作用的相空间输运理论研究,25万元,2015-01至2017-12,负责人 |
中国博士后科学基金,离子回旋频段波对托卡马克等离子体流的影响,5万元,2013-05至2014-09,负责人 |
国家重点研发计划,基于非线性回旋动理学的氘氚聚变等离子体约束改善理论和模拟研究,1432万,2020-12至2025-11,学术骨干 |
科技部ITER计划配套项目,托卡马克输运理论和模拟若干问题研究,500万,2014-01至2018-12,学术骨干 |
代表性专利&其他 |
托卡马克试探粒子蒙特卡罗轨道追踪模拟软件[GYCAVA],2020SR0233321,计算机软件著作权,2020.3.10,排名第一 |
托卡马克等离子体非线性静电湍流数值李变换回旋动理学模拟软件[NLT],2019SR0323512,计算机软件著作权,2019.4.11,排名第三 |