Selected topics about triangular lattice quantum antiferromagnet



报告地点:2号学院楼 235

主讲人:Yoshi Kamiya

报告题目:Selected topics about triangular lattice quantum antiferromagnet


Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Frustrated quantum magnetism has a long history of investigation over decades since Anderson’s resonating valence bond theory and before. The subject has been studied as a stage for realizing fascinating states, such as complex magnetic structures or even spin liquids with possible application including multiferroics and topological quantum computing. A triangular lattice quantum antiferromagnet is a prototypical system of this kind. In this talk, we discuss the spin-1/2 triangular lattice magnet Ba3CoSb2O9, where we find that the magnon in zero field is subject to strong quantum effects, more adequately describable as a two-spinon bound state rather than conventional semiclassical spin wave. If the time permits, we also discuss quantum multiferroics induced by trimerization, taking an example of organic quantum molecular magnet.

[About the Speaker] 

Yoshi Kamiya is an associate professor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University since 2018. He obtained his Ph. D degree in the University of Tokyo in 2011 and worked as a postdoc in Los Alamos National Laboratory (2011-2014), and then in RIKEN in Japan (2014-2018), before coming to China as a faculty. He is working in the field of condensed matter theory, especially quantum magnetism. He is also working on development of numerical algorithms, such as quantum Monte Carlo and, more recently, tensor network methods.
